Friday, June 20, 2014

July 3rd Parade

Everyone loves a parade!
We will be receiving line-up information and instructions by June 28th.  The parade lines up in the Meadows neighborhood of Montpelier (check in at Spring and Elm) and line up begins at 4:00 with the Parade starting right after the Montpelier Mile Road Race shortly past 6:00.  

I have emailed the parade coordinator about access to a bathroom during this time.  We will provide activities for the Brownies to do during this time.  We will also provide water and sunscreen.  You may want to provide a snack for your daughter.

Please email me to let me know if your Brownie will or will not be attending so we have a clear idea of numbers.  Thanks!!

More info to come after June 28th!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pennies from "Penny Power"

Just an update about pennies!  We have yet to count/roll them all.  The Brownies worked hard to roll many of them at our meetings, but there are many more to be rolled.  I'll keep you posted on how much $$ we collected through our penny drive.  (We already have $9.00 counted!) 

The troop voted on The Humane Society as their charity of choice for the pennies.  I'll get some photos of that donation once the pennies are counted!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brownie Celebration - last meeting of the year

It was a bittersweet last meeting.  Many girls felt saddened that we were having our last meeting so soon.  Rebecca and I have thoroughly enjoyed your girls and feel lucky to have had such a wonderful group of Brownies with such supportive parents.  Special thanks to all of the volunteers throughout the year, the donations and to Jean for being a huge help at every meeting!

Please enjoy some photos from our last meeting:

Brownie Ring


Our Brownie troop (missing a few)

Beautiful flowers from a thoughtful Brownie

Brownie Clothing Drive

Thanks to all Brownies and families who donated clothing!  The Brownie Troop did a "blind vote" to determine which charity we would donate our collected clothing to.  The choices were Goodwill, The Salvation Army, The Bene-fit Shop, The Trinity Methodist Church thrift store and Planet Aid.  Planet Aid won by several votes!

Here is some info from the Planet Aid website:

"Planet Aid is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that collects and recycles used clothes and shoes and supports international development projects.  Planet Aid supports community-based projects that improve health, increase income, aid vulnerable children, train teachers, and enhance the overall quality of life for people across the globe."

Please visit their website to see all of the great things Planet Aid does to help the world be a better place.

Here are some photos of the collection and drop off.

Weighing the clothing

trunk load #1

trunk load #2

The Yellow Box!

Brownie dropping clothing in the bin

Smiling while donating!
271 pounds of clothing were donated to Planet Aid from our Brownie troop clothing drive!  You should all be proud!