Friday, July 4, 2014

And the parade marched on.... (anyway, despite being canceled!)

So, we were all ready to march in the parade, making posters for our Brownies to carry and working on decorating our wagon when we learned the parade got canceled!  We quickly decided that we needed to still make this fun, so we thought we would catch the Montpelier Mile race and perhaps picnic on the State House Lawn.  As some paraders started to disseminate, other decided to march right then and there, realizing there were still spectators out there waiting for a parade to occur.  So on we marched, behind the Lyme Band float.  We were cheered on as the crowd was happy to see part of the parade still happening.  We were lucky to see one of our fellow Brownies in the crowd with her family!

We approached State & Taylor, where we were told to go on to the sidewalk so the race could begin.  Brownies cheered on the runners and were able to see many people they know, including one of our own Brownies running with her Dad!  (Look in the Times Argus, because she and her Dad also were in today's paper!)

So a planned parade turned into a canceled parade, turned into an impromptu parade that was a lot of fun.  If you were lucky enough to stay a little longer, fireworks were set off early, as they needed to be used up before the weather turned for the worse.  It ended up being a condensed form of the typical Montpelier 3rd of July day, which was very fun thanks to the flexibility and spontaneity of parade-goers and our Brownies!  :)

Look at the beautiful flag/banner the Brownies made!!

Please have a safe, fun 4th of July and summer!!!  We hope to see you around at the pool or in town, or at camps!  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Camping trip fun!

We had a successful camping trip at New Discovery!  We lucked out with beautiful weather.  Once we were properly coated with sunscreen and bug dope, we hiked up to Owl's Head for a beautiful view.  We saw a bird soaring overhead, which we believed to be a turkey vulture.  We had great views of Kettle Pond and Lake Groton.  We had some lunch at the top and explored the vegetation.  Brownies found 140 Lady Slippers (although some of those may have been counted twice)!

rock tunnel

Top of Owl's Head
Brownies with my dog

sign & map of view

Kettle Pond with Camel's Hump way in the foggy distance
Spruce Mountain

In search of Lady Slippers!

Enjoying the view & conversation.  Don't worry, right below where they're sitting is this next photo...


Lady Slipper!
More Lady Slippers!
Girls counted 140 Lady Slippers!
Our mascot?

Back at base camp, some girls helped with setting up tents and all girls had some time to run around and explore our sites.  Brownies had the option of working on a "Junior Ranger" booklet provided by the campground and also found/created sit spots.

 Girls designed their own pieces of a Brownie flag that Jean will sew onto our main part of the flag (which we can also use in the 3rd of July parade)!

Some girls realized that the leaves they used made beautiful art pieces, themselves!

A complete piece for the flag
Some girls thought using their hands could make nice art

Another hand painting

Then the hand became the art!

Completed flag pieces

Brownies with their art

Other activities included painting rocks girls collected along our hike and gathering sticks for the "God's eye" craft.

God's Eye craft displayed

Rock excavation

God's Eyes were then displayed on our base camp canopy, along with the flag.  Brownies collected tinder for the fire and sticks for roasting marshmallows.

A toasted marshmallow.  Yum!

Brownies were divided into patrols (groups of 3-4 girls).  Each patrol had a job to do for each mealtime.  Dinner consisted of pasta, bread and veggies.  All patrols had a chance to cook, serve and clean-up throughout our stay.  It was wonderful seeing the girls work together!  What a great job they all did contributing to the group!

Expert pancake flippers

The Red People washing dishes

Several songs were sung, s'mores were made and eaten, and come morning, we all enjoyed a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, hot chocolate and oatmeal.  (Not bad for camp food!)  Brownie patrols all named their groups (we had "The Red People", "The Lions" and "The Blue Discoverers").  Each patrol had to present a song, or skit, or something they created, to the troop.  The Lions had a great skit about lions arguing about who was going to eat most of the meal and they all agreed on each getting a third.  The Blue Discoverers made up a Haiku about friends that they recited together in a circle with some hand claps.  The Red People created a skit called "The Milkman".

Special thanks to all of the hard work from Rebecca & Jean in getting all of the pieces of this trip together; for Andrea B.'s contribution to meal planning and to the agenda; and to Naima, Andrea P., Tia, & Robin (friend of Jean's & Rebecca's) for being on the trip to help out.  It was a successful, fun time!!

Parade details - We're #39 in the line-up!

What: Walking as a Brownie troop for 3rd of July Parade

When: Thursday, 7/3/14, meet at 4:15 pm

Where to meet us BEFORE the parade:
Please meet us at Montpelier High School's parking lot where we will carpool over to Elm/Spring (the Meadow) where the Parade Booth check-in is.  (This will save on traffic jams in the Meadow).  We have to be at the parade booth to check-in between 4:30 & 5:00, so please be timely meeting us at the high school!

If you want to make other arrangements and meet us at the Parade Booth at Elm/Spring Streets at 4:30, then please let me know ASAP so we won't be waiting for you at the high school.  Please note our whole group must be present and sign-in together and will be expected to walk the entirety of the parade.
Where to meet us AFTER the parade:
We will gather together as a troop immediately after the parade at the beginning (close to State Street) of the main state house walkway that leads straight up to the State House's big front doors.  Please tell your Brownies to stay with the troop until we have gathered in this spot, even if parents are meeting up with us at the end of the parade.  It will make it easier to know Brownies are leaving with their parents if we are all in a main meeting place.

Each Brownie should bring:
  • Her sash with all of her badges/patches and pins on it (please be sure to reinforce badges & patches with some stitching, as the iron-ons do fall off)
  • Her own water bottle (labeled)
  • Hat is recommended, but optional
  • Arrive with sunscreen already on (we'll provide more before we start the parade, unless you have a specific kind you want your daughter to use, then please provide it, labeled).
  • Snacks
  • Permission slip to attend the parade (see attached)
We will provide:
  • Health & emergency forms
  • First Aid Kit
  • Additional Sunscreen
  • Extra water kept in a cooler
  • Flag that the Brownies made on the camping trip
  • Activities for the Brownies to do while we wait for the parade to start (songs, possibly make posters for the parade)
  • We will have access to a bathroom if needed before the parade starts

Adults attending parade:
Heather Bouchey
Jen Matthews ?

The parade starts immediately after the Montpelier Mile Road Race (around 6:00).  So please remember snacks, as the parade is quite long and girls may get hungry (we won't be eating during the parade).  If raining, please have the girls wear appropriate rain gear and bring extra clothes with you so they can change with you after the parade. 
If you have any other thoughts, questions, comments, please let me know!


Friday, June 20, 2014

July 3rd Parade

Everyone loves a parade!
We will be receiving line-up information and instructions by June 28th.  The parade lines up in the Meadows neighborhood of Montpelier (check in at Spring and Elm) and line up begins at 4:00 with the Parade starting right after the Montpelier Mile Road Race shortly past 6:00.  

I have emailed the parade coordinator about access to a bathroom during this time.  We will provide activities for the Brownies to do during this time.  We will also provide water and sunscreen.  You may want to provide a snack for your daughter.

Please email me to let me know if your Brownie will or will not be attending so we have a clear idea of numbers.  Thanks!!

More info to come after June 28th!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pennies from "Penny Power"

Just an update about pennies!  We have yet to count/roll them all.  The Brownies worked hard to roll many of them at our meetings, but there are many more to be rolled.  I'll keep you posted on how much $$ we collected through our penny drive.  (We already have $9.00 counted!) 

The troop voted on The Humane Society as their charity of choice for the pennies.  I'll get some photos of that donation once the pennies are counted!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brownie Celebration - last meeting of the year

It was a bittersweet last meeting.  Many girls felt saddened that we were having our last meeting so soon.  Rebecca and I have thoroughly enjoyed your girls and feel lucky to have had such a wonderful group of Brownies with such supportive parents.  Special thanks to all of the volunteers throughout the year, the donations and to Jean for being a huge help at every meeting!

Please enjoy some photos from our last meeting:

Brownie Ring


Our Brownie troop (missing a few)

Beautiful flowers from a thoughtful Brownie

Brownie Clothing Drive

Thanks to all Brownies and families who donated clothing!  The Brownie Troop did a "blind vote" to determine which charity we would donate our collected clothing to.  The choices were Goodwill, The Salvation Army, The Bene-fit Shop, The Trinity Methodist Church thrift store and Planet Aid.  Planet Aid won by several votes!

Here is some info from the Planet Aid website:

"Planet Aid is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that collects and recycles used clothes and shoes and supports international development projects.  Planet Aid supports community-based projects that improve health, increase income, aid vulnerable children, train teachers, and enhance the overall quality of life for people across the globe."

Please visit their website to see all of the great things Planet Aid does to help the world be a better place.

Here are some photos of the collection and drop off.

Weighing the clothing

trunk load #1

trunk load #2

The Yellow Box!

Brownie dropping clothing in the bin

Smiling while donating!
271 pounds of clothing were donated to Planet Aid from our Brownie troop clothing drive!  You should all be proud!