Friday, June 20, 2014

July 3rd Parade

Everyone loves a parade!
We will be receiving line-up information and instructions by June 28th.  The parade lines up in the Meadows neighborhood of Montpelier (check in at Spring and Elm) and line up begins at 4:00 with the Parade starting right after the Montpelier Mile Road Race shortly past 6:00.  

I have emailed the parade coordinator about access to a bathroom during this time.  We will provide activities for the Brownies to do during this time.  We will also provide water and sunscreen.  You may want to provide a snack for your daughter.

Please email me to let me know if your Brownie will or will not be attending so we have a clear idea of numbers.  Thanks!!

More info to come after June 28th!

1 comment:

  1. Bryn will be there, and me if you need me to volunteer. :)
