Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snowshoe Romp

Although we did not have much snow, the girls were troopers and wore their snowshoes the entire time!  They were up for the adventure!




Making paper logs for the fire (a trick I learned many years ago from my Dad)!     
Sorry we didn't get a photo of the completed log.... this was the halfway point.

Rebecca heated up some hot chocolate and cider.  Andrea, taught the girls the 3 types of wood used for building a fire.  Ask your Brownie if she remembers what they are!  (Answer below.)

Snowshoe relay race with hats made by Jean!  Fun!

  • There are three different kinds of wood needed for a successful campfire:
    • Tinder – small twigs, wood shavings, dry leaves or grass, dry needles, bark or dryer lint. This should start to burn immediately with a lighted match.
    • Kindling – small sticks 1″ around or less
    • Fuel – larger wood that keeps the fire going
    • See  for more info!

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