Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Calculating your Brownie's "Cookie Dough"

Cookie dough is money earned for each Brownie based on the number of cookie packages they have sold.  They can be used towards the tuition of a Girl Scouts day or resident camp.  If applying for financial aid, the cookie dough that is earned must be used towards camp tuition.

Here is how to determine how much cookie dough your daughter earned:

100-150 packages sold = $0.20 per package 
151-225 packages sold = $0.25 per package
226 or more packages sold = $0.30 per package

For example, if your Brownie sold 153 packages: 153 x .25 = $38.25 is the amount that can be applied towards camp tuition!

Each Brownie must have sold at a minimum of 100 cookie packages in order to earn the Cookie Dough.

If your Brownie is not attending a Girl Scout camp, I understand that the Cookie Dough they earned can be used in the Girl Scout store:  60 Knight Lane, Williston, VT 05495, 802-872-5887

Hope that is helpful!

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