Friday, July 4, 2014

And the parade marched on.... (anyway, despite being canceled!)

So, we were all ready to march in the parade, making posters for our Brownies to carry and working on decorating our wagon when we learned the parade got canceled!  We quickly decided that we needed to still make this fun, so we thought we would catch the Montpelier Mile race and perhaps picnic on the State House Lawn.  As some paraders started to disseminate, other decided to march right then and there, realizing there were still spectators out there waiting for a parade to occur.  So on we marched, behind the Lyme Band float.  We were cheered on as the crowd was happy to see part of the parade still happening.  We were lucky to see one of our fellow Brownies in the crowd with her family!

We approached State & Taylor, where we were told to go on to the sidewalk so the race could begin.  Brownies cheered on the runners and were able to see many people they know, including one of our own Brownies running with her Dad!  (Look in the Times Argus, because she and her Dad also were in today's paper!)

So a planned parade turned into a canceled parade, turned into an impromptu parade that was a lot of fun.  If you were lucky enough to stay a little longer, fireworks were set off early, as they needed to be used up before the weather turned for the worse.  It ended up being a condensed form of the typical Montpelier 3rd of July day, which was very fun thanks to the flexibility and spontaneity of parade-goers and our Brownies!  :)

Look at the beautiful flag/banner the Brownies made!!

Please have a safe, fun 4th of July and summer!!!  We hope to see you around at the pool or in town, or at camps!  Enjoy!!

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